Friday, June 4, 2010

History Lesson

I am a history buff. I love learning about it, especially as a story. Unfortunately, most of what has been taught to us in history in this country is a stilted view of the truth. I'm not just talking about the last 30 or 40 years. History has been rewritten in America for probably 90 years or more.

Whenever I have the opportunity to delve into history I jump at the chance. Especially when it's beyond the same old stories we heard every year from kindergarten to senior year. Last Friday, Glenn Beck had a man I respect very much, David Barton, on his show. They discussed how history has been whitewashed.

I'm posting 4 videos here that if you can spare a half hour or so I ask you to watch. It is so critical that we know our history. The truth of our history. I wish I could post a link to the whole show but I have not been able to find it. From these clips, however, you can get the basics of what is being covered.


Hoschar said...

My GREAT fear, and why I confiscated all the old history books being disposed of at Culloden when you were in K. - feared as Russia did, our history would be rewritten. I did feel we had in my schooling accurate history - if I am wrong, please tell me. For ex., slavery and its wrongs were placed before us clearly, and too many other things I can't remember - it's late. My history was in the 50s, 60s. Was it that off even then? Could I have been fortunate enough to be in schools of more conservative areas where it was not changed? I do know in recent years it's nothing near what I learned - hope you all got proper history.

Sue said...

Would love to read some of these legitimately old, old history books - before my days in school - although the part of black people was not denied us in my history - may have been the state(s) - neither racists states. Loved these videos.

Unknown said...

You are right, Sue. Education is largely based in the state system though there is a push to have more federal control which is scary. Some states (Texas at the moment) are trying to go back to the truth of history.