Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jesus Agrees With Me

It's time for the obligatory "Jesus is on my side" statement from someone on the left. This time it's Nancy Pelosi. She told a Catholic conference her favorite word is "The Word" meaning of course Jesus Christ as he is called in the first chapter of the Gospel of John. She also says that her policies must be in keeping with The Word.

I mean, Jesus was clearly for ending the lives of unborn children. Or for that matter, even gruesomely ending the lives of partially born children as Pelosi supported. It reminds me of the time that, as a teenager, I wrote a letter to the editor of my local newspaper excoriating the Ku Klux Klan for using John 3:16 on their cross display. Using the words of a Jew to justify hatred of Jews (and others) makes absolutely no sense. Neither does dropping Jesus' name occasionally but going in the exact opposite direction of his teachings.

And while I'm on the subject, let me address some of the religious left who are trying to say that Jesus was for social justice. That phrase means different things to different people but for the purposes of this discourse I will use its most common definition. It means the government assures equal outcome, standing, wealth for all people.

Jesus never came anywhere near such nonsense in his teachings. He did tell us to care for the poor, hungry and even the imprisoned. He did not, however, say the government should do such things. He said you should and I should. So if your church wants to be involved in reaching out in love to the people who need it most, that's exactly what Jesus wants.

If your church wants the government to complete the tasks from which it has abdicated itself, you really should find a new church. Many of the problems we face today are a direct result of the "church" (using the generic definition here) not doing what it was tasked to do and leaving its responsibilities in the hands of government.

Those who are screaming about social justice as the spirit of Christ would have us exacerbate that problem by having the government feed, clothe and care for people as a cold civic responsibility instead of having Christians and "the Church" do it out of a real love for people as we have been commanded. Government can not have compassion. Government can not care for others above itself. Those are commandments for you and me, not a conglomeration of laws and branches of government.

It sounds to me like Pelosi and company have the same problem with "The Word" as they have with the health care bill, the Arizona immigration law, cap and trade, etc. They have not actually read any of them.


Hoschar said...

Again, Rob, LOVE IT!!! Heard long ago if the church had done its part there would be no welfare. AND, you have a cousin plus friends shouting EXACTLY what you said - Jesus and social justice- to uttterly ridiculous in the posts I refuse to respond.

Keep these up - the mean a LOT to me.

AND, re. Arizona, another cousin who is with us politically wrote - with the sarcasm you use: Just remember, "x" is a liberal, which means; "x" is always right,
you are mis-informed, "x" is better educated, you on the other hand are not. "X" is all-inclusive, we on the other hand, who see how such things as crossing the border illegally with a 2-yr-old to work 60 hrs a week, and live in a house with 20 other illegals is not benefiting a person's human rights. I could go on and on, just remember "x" is a liberal.


John said...

You're a gifted writer-thoughtful, creative, informed, and entertaining. I look forward to reading your thoughts in the future.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your kind words.