Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Nightmares On Pennsylvania Avenue

This is why I hope MSNBC doesn't go under even though they have more letters in their names than viewers. They provide endless entertainment to internet news junkies like me. First of all, Norah, I say you made this up. In fact, you're so full of it, your eyes are brown.

Secondly, Bill Clinton would have had a much better moment coming out and saying he cared about the people affected by the oil spill. He'd have bitten his lower lip and said, "I feel your pain." (It's much more impressive when I say it in my Clinton voice instead of just typing it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure they do - wake up with nightmares over the oil spill. I think they have little concern about it - unless any have the concern it might come back on them - which they are so high and mighty that couldn't happen - especially since this is all Bush's fault - therefore was lined up to happen before this administration took leadership, so they're free and clear of any responsibility. Anyone who wanted it so, who didn't have an agenda to place them in "high esteem" by being unable to fix something someone else has created with such magnitude they, with all their great effort, would have had it under control by now - never heard of oil spills et all going on this length of time. The humble farmers showed them how to clean it up - put various types of hay, etc. in the water which draws it, then as it's pushed to the edge, picked up - el prompto - mess is gone.