Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Obama Is Mad!

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This is really funny to me. A few days after Spike Lee said that Obama needs to "go off" he provides this to NBC. And it's "late breaking" no less. You know the White House called NBC and said, "We have to get this on tonight."

But the really hysterical part is even when he's pretending to be angry, he's scripted. I wonder if they put "read this in an angry voice" before his words on the teleprompter.


Anonymous said...

If Obama really wants to send a message, he could actually volunteer to clean up the beaches. Instead of modeling an angry face for the cameras, he could actually get his hands dirty and save more than a few oil covered birds.

Anonymous II said...

I really missed the anger. In what part of his micro-mini speech was it? All I heard was his boasting of having been down there a month ago. The "angry" tone seems to say to me he doesn't care enough to gather pretense of "angry."

Unknown said...

It's a nuanced anger, only seen by the uber-elite and most highly intelligent people. Either that or he's really not good at delivering words angrily even if the script calls for it. That's what this was. Scripted.

sue said...

Uber elite, nuanced anger, pretend, whatever - he still made a fool of himself if he expected anyone to "feel" he was angry. One might have felt he was happy about the whole situation. And, when Bush DID get the government involved in helping whatever crisis arrived yet was cricized harshly - why does no one say anything about the fact obama did so well he paid a visit a month ago. Job, especially criticism might be getting to him - he's turning grayer even faster than Clinton did. Just idle chatter here.