Monday, August 30, 2010

Too Good Not To Post

Instant YouTube classic. It's inappropriate to talk about God or religion or politics at the Lincoln Memorial. According to Bill Press it's "sacred ground". That's so funny I don't even need to add to it.

One presumes that Bill Press considers that ground sacred because of the speech Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave there in which he proclaimed his dream for America. Would it be wrong then to say this on the steps of the memorial?

We cannot be truly Christian people so long as we flaunt the central teachings of Jesus: brotherly love and the Golden Rule.

The words of Glenn Beck? No, the words of Dr. King. This is proof to me that the media does not understand King or his message. They think he was a political figure. Instead, he was a preacher. He gave a message grounded in God and Christianity that did have a profound political impact.

If you actually read the words Dr. King spoke you'll find more depth, meaning and challenge than anything any politician has said in a hundred years. The ground may be sacred because of Dr. King's speech. If that is the case, it is so because he delivered a message from God to a nation trying to find it's way.

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