Thursday, August 5, 2010

Your Right? Not Anymore.

Rarely will I agree with something that Time magazine prints. However, they have a new article out about how across the country people videotaping police activities is being prosecuted. The flimsy legal argument is that somehow the audio of the recording violates wiretapping laws. This of course is absolutely ludicrous. If that is the case, does the audio portion of a dashboard camera recording violate the same law since it is done without a warrant?

For a moment, I'm going to sound like Glenn Beck warning of the end of the world. Let me tell you the end result of this if it's not stopped. You will not be able to record anything without permission. That means if the police abuse you...tough. Want to record that town hall meeting? You're out of luck.

This is so close to fascism it's terrifying. If we (meaning you and I, the police or any other person) is conducting themselves appropriately in public, there should be no fear of a video camera. If a government, an organization or an individual protests like so many are doing now, it's a sure sign they know they are acting inappropriately and are afraid of being caught.

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