Thursday, September 30, 2010

Taste Of His Own Medicine....Sort Of

The following ad was run by Alan Grayson, the incumbent Florida House of Representative Member running against Dan Webster.

This ad has made headlines across the country because it's completely false. Webster was edited heavily taking his words way out of context. I won't spend a lot of time going over it since it's already been covered heavily. The short of it is that Webster was saying the exact opposite of what is portrayed. His point was saying that men should focus on the verses directed at them in the Bible. Specifically that they should love their wives to the point of giving their lives for them. The remaining points made in the ad have also been taken apart by the media. Even MSNBC too umbrage with the ad.

Alan Grayson is an obnoxious and arrogant person. He's the kind of person most people would have to fight the urge to slap if they had to deal with him on a regular basis. An ad like this from his camp is no surprise. I think it's a major political blunder, however. I know he was trying to get a little traction because he's struggling in the polls. However, this is more like to remind people of exactly what they hate so much about politicians.

All that said, has produced a "fade ad" on Grayson. I find it very funny.

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