Monday, September 13, 2010

Who Are You Calling A Facist?

Over the past two years Obama and Washington Democrats have been called fascists by some. These charges are usually dismissed by the talking heads as absurd and political hyperbole. If it is such an absurd notion, why does the thinking persist? It's not because of right wing nut jobs. It's because sometimes it's very close to the truth.

Case in point: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has told insurers that if they blame "Obamacare" for rate increases they will be locked out of the market. In other words, "Shut up or else." This is why people call the current administration fascist.

One can not hear the word without conjuring images of the most notorious of fascists regimes, the Nazis. The Nazis are more known for their incorporation of racial extermination into the fascist way of thought. But at it's core, fascism seeks to bring all parties into agreement by force or coercion if necessary. This is especially true of business and economic entities in fascism.

I'm not saying that the current Democratic leaders are Nazis. Not at all. I am saying that when it comes to one of the main tenets of fascism--specifically thought/speech control--they give a lot of indications of acceptance. To many, it's the whole appearance and characteristics of a duck thing.

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