You can watch the video above or I can give you the entire clip in one paragraph. Jennifer Keeton is earning her counseling degree but Augusta State University says she can't have it because she won't take sensitivity training and reform her view that homosexuality is a sin. Her attorney says it violates her first amendment rights. The American Counseling Association says the patients right to be gay and not be exposed to her belief is more important than her constitutional right to think and say what she wants.
The argument/question follows, "Is this thought police." Ummm. Yes. Are we really going to start having state schools tell students what they have to believe to get a diploma even though they have completed the necessary work to get a diploma?
I remember having an argument about political correctness once making the point that if we have to phrase things a certain way in order to avoid offending anyone it will eventually be our thoughts that have to be shaped. That day has apparently arrived.
If you happen to agree with the ACA or the university in this instance, how long will it be before your opinion is the "wrong" opinion? This is very, very dangerous territory.
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