First up for today is an exchange that came out of Christine O'Donnell's debate with Chris Coon's in Delaware. She claims the Constitution does not set up separation of church and state. Coon's response is that the First Amendment does just that. This is an old argument that goes back literally 200 years. What irritates me is the way the AP "reports" the story.
The story says, she was:
...appearing to disagree or not know that the First Amendment bars the government from establishing religion.
This is the arrogant position the left and mainstream media take. If you don't agree then you are out of the norm and "everyone knows" how it really is. The reality is that barring the government from establishing religion does not preclude government from following religious principles. This notion has been so destroyed over the years everyone knows the AP is just spinning the story for their candidate. (See how I turned that tactic back on you AP writer?)
Second, I want to give Meghan McCain my Please Shut Up Award for this week. Can anyone tell me why she's even being given a platform other than her daddy is a senator and former presidential candidate and she has diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain?
Meghan follows up her attack on Christine O'Donnell on Sunday's "This Week" by attempting to expand on her calling O'Donnell a "nutjob". She writes today on The Daily Beast:
...she has not had any real success in business, government, or public service.
Really? And what success have you had, Meghan? I know her argument would be that she's not running for the Senate. But she is running her mouth. Why should we care what she thinks? Given her reasoning, until she's accomplished something (other than writing a really lame book), she should be suspected of not having what it takes. Whatever "it" is.
And finally, Meghan provides us with one final bit of astoundingly profound wisdom:
We are 15 days away from the general election, and as a Republican I hope that we take over control of the House and Senate, but it is hard for me to see Republicans broadening our appeal with a candidate like Christine O’Donnell.
That's exactly her problem. She's out there whining about being attacked for attacking O'Donnell. It bears pointing out that one should expect some fallout if you publicly go after anyone. But beyond that, she identifies herself as a Republican and she wants Republicans to broaden their appeal. So just as we all suspected, she's really about party power and not about any real principles.
That's exactly what the tea party that she loves to attack is about. That's why Lisa Murkowski, Bob Bennet and Mike Castle lost. We the people are sick to death of career politicians being about party power and not about what is right for the country. I doubt Meghan McCain can grasp that concept but she should try.
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