Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Angry Left

As fair warning, I will let you know parts of this post contain profanity. As you can see in video from, Vice-President Joe Biden thinks the custard shop manager who asked him for lower taxes is a "smartass". He got the smart part right. However, his derision pertaining to all things burro is 180 degrees misdirected.

Next, AFL-CIO economist Ron Blackwell has choice words for Neil Cavuto.

A couple of points here. First, despite his suspicious resemblance of a grown up Eddie Munster, Neil Cavuto is one of the most underrated figures on cable news. His rationality is refreshing in a world full of spin. Second--and speaking of spin--Blackwell's claim that fewer jobs were lost than would have been had the stimulus bill not been enacted is a non-measurable one. That is because one can not measure something that did not happen, in this case the economy had stimulus not been passed. One could suggest what might have happened but not categorically state what would have happened.

Now, to my real point. The liberals have power right now. Why are they so angry? There are two reasons. The first is your fault. When President Obama entered office, replacing the worst president in history (according to Helen Thomas), the entire world was to turn into Nirvana. Not only that, but the entire country, including you, rational reader, was to have been raised to a higher mental plane where we could all see the beauty of liberalism and the wisdom it's knowledge imparts. Of course, that didn't happen. Nothing will destroy a bad idea as quickly as implementing it.

The second reason is just intrinsic in who the hardcore liberal is. Arguments or facts that disagree with their beliefs make them angry. Period. When one relies on emotion in place of logical thinking, the only response to an intellectual attack is anger. Mounting a logical defense is not an option. So in power or out, understand the liberals you know are always going to respond in anger to your sharing your point of view.

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