Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Template

I have noticed in the last few days the misnamed main stream media ignoring stories that don't fit "The Template". We are deluged with stories of the leaking oil in the gulf and the conduct of General McChrystal. In the meantime, a strong, conservative, black Republican just destroyed Strom Thurmand's son in a primary for a South Carolina congressional seat. He won by more than a 2 to 1 margin.

Why would the media ignore this story? Because it doesn't fit with "The Template" as it contradicts the notion that Republicans in general and Tea Party types specifically are racist. Instead, Newsweek publishes a story that bemoans the media's "enduring fascination" with the Tea Party. If by fascination, Newsweek means "attempt to discredit and marginalize", they are exactly right. That is, of course, not at all what the writers meant. Instead, they go on to again allege that racial prejudice is driving the political unrest in this year's elections.

Meanwhile, old white guy and Republican, Bob Bennett was given his walking papers by the voters of Utah. In the subsequent run-off election for the nomination for the U.S. Senate seat, Mike Lee beat out Tim Bridgewater. Lee was backed by the Tea Party and a few conservative Republicans while Bridgewater was supported by the Republican establishment including Bob Bennett.

Why ignore this story? The reason here is two-fold. First, it doesn't fit with "The Template" that the Tea Party and similar groups are gun-toting, dangerous militia groups. Instead, were this type of story covered thoroughly, the general population could start to believe that they are groups of volunteers engaging in the process to effect change. Even worse, they might start to imagine they are not powerless and can have an impact on the outcome of elections themselves.

The second reason is that the media is no longer reporting information. Remember when you were taught that when writing a story the important elements were who, what, where, when and why? Instead of giving you facts, the vast majority of media contributors are attempting to control the flow of information and mold it (spin it) into what they want you to "know".

The reality is they are terrified the general population will realize they are not alone in their disgust with the out of control spending and reckless governance in Washington. Should that happen there might be a true revolution at the polls come November. Not only would that be a crushing idealogical loss for a group of people who are committed to the drastic liberal agenda of the current administration, it would also be a repudiation of the reputation of the news media as a whole that has tried to protect, insulate and even build up the current President and his cronies in Congress.

The explosion of "new media" is now a chain reaction that is unstoppable without completely shutting down the internet and other modes of communication. Instead, they are like the Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, desperately trying to hold back the tide that will inevitably destroy them. We have a responsibility to make sure we are getting the full story and that means searching beyond our traditional news sources. The old saying is, "knowledge is power". There is truth in that provided that knowledge is factual and obtained without being filtered through "The Template".

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